The best financial plan has nothing to do with what investment markets are doing, it is everything to do with what is important to you.

Future proof your lifestyle
Cormican Life Limited (CLL) believes in collaborating with our clients to create a financial plan to help map out their future financial lives.
We help you plan for your goals and objectives but don’t forget your dreams! Long term financial planning can help change people’s lives for the positive, there is no downside. Why not see what it can do for you?
Generate long term wealth by investing identified spare income wisely. Live a lifestyle appropriate to your resources, now. Look forward to an independent and dignified life in retirement. Change career, do something different. Educate children, part fund weddings, new homes or businesses. Leave a legacy efficiently and in the way you want to. Minimise tax, your biggest lifetime expense. Worry less about your finances as you know it’s taken care of.