We have a chat, we try to discover what makes you tick, we see if we can work together, we outline our fees and what we do in return, this time is at our expense
You supply your financial details so we can build a picture of where you are now, we can help you with this
We meet and see where your current path might bring you; we look at options to see what changes you want to make to improve your future
We implement an agreed plan together
We review that plan together and adapt as your life changes
“A plane takes off from Ireland to fly to New York, flight path pre-planned, it changes regularly due to weather, fuel situation, air traffic, unforeseen events… Pilot makes changes to the plan during the journey but gets there safely in the end” Would you like to get on the plane with no pilot and no plan? You get the idea…

The plan comes from the process. Wealth can be managed and built up over the long term by using sensible strategies aligned to what you want out of life. Success comes to those who do the simple things right for a long time in a patient and disciplined manner. It’s great to ignore the noise and be confident in your own approach. Your plan will help you turn your dreams into your reality. Your plan will help identify future problems so you can act now to solve them. Your plan will help you consider what happens if…and what you can do about it.